Mineral Resource Evaluation

Verum Group has extensive experience in mineral resource evaluation. Available to work on-site in remote or challenging locations, our staff and consultants have the knowledge and skills to improve any mineral resource projects.


Services Verum Group's Geology team provide for Mineral Resource Evaluation include due diligence on resource projects; resource classification; mapping; drilling and sampling programme design; chip, mud, and core logging and sampling; detailed coal logging and sampling; database management; accurate data acquisition even in remote and challenging terrain; integration with GIS and modelling services; and integration with coal analysis providers. We can also assist in code-compliant (JORC) reporting for coal and mineral resource estimates.

More information

For Mineral Resource Evaluation contact our Geology Manager Kerry Gordon:
Email: k.gordon@verumgroup.co.nz

Or contact our Technical Manager & Environmental Chemist Rachel Skews:
Email: r.skews@verumgroup.co.nz