Mask & Respirator Fit Testing NZ

A mask fit test checks the effectiveness of respiratory protection for employees, and are part of a company's commitment to health and safety. Tests are conducted to international standards prescribed by NZOHS, which simulate real-life work situations.


Professional Respirator & Mask Fit Testing in New Zealand

Mask and/or respirator fit testing is recommended for all people using facepieces. The AS/NZS 1715 Standard for certain repirators is that an individual should be fit tested prior to initial use, whenever there is a change in your face or other features which may affect the respirator facial seal, and the check should be repeated annually. Get in touch with us to make sure you are compliant with the standard, or, in the case of masks, to ensure the safety of your workers. Our trained staff can come to your workplace.

More information

Contact our Industrial and Workplace Manager William Porter (Billy):