Laboratory Services

Verum Group’s National Laboratories offer testing for water (environmental, discharge and drinking) solid fuels, gas, XRF, and asbestos, plus analysis of the quality of energy exports and imports for New Zealand.

Water Testing and Sampling

Water Testing and Sampling services by Verum Group New Zealand

High quality water is critical to the well-being of people, livestock, and the environment. Verum Group offers a vast array of water sampling and testing options. Verum Group’s water testing options include, but are not limited to: pH, metals, E. coli, pesticide, faecal coliforms, hydrocarbons, VOCs, nitrates, etc.

Verum Group can sample your water to industry and regulatory standards, and provide trusted results for drinking water (including, but not limited to, E.coli, turbidity, and free available chlorine), discharge compliance (including, but not limited to, pH, faecal coliforms, and metals) and environmental waters (including, but not limited to, nitrate, phosphate, and pesticides).

As well as sampling and testing for a wide range of water quality parameters, Verum Group specialists can also provide technical advice for water monitoring programmes and consent application through to compliance. We have a North Island and South Island water care team (including the west coast), so be sure to include your location, so the right person can answer your query.

Contact Us for More Information:

For water testing in the West Coast region, contact Rachel Skews. Email:

For water testing nationally, contact William Porter. Email:  

Asbestos Sampling and Testing

Asbestos Sampling and Testing services by Verum Group in New Zealand

Our expertly staffed asbestos lab is IANZ-accredited. We provide rapid and reliable services to identify asbestos content in building materials and monitor airborne fibre concentration.

Our independent lab is accessible to everyone, ensuring that you have the support you need to maintain a safe environment..

Comprehensive Asbestos Analysis Services

Our expert team specializes in analysis of suspected asbestos-containing materials. Our services include:

  • Building Material Analysis: Identify the presence of asbestos in various building materials.

  • Air Monitoring: Measure airborne fibre concentration to assess potential exposure risks. We can also analyse filters from monitoring that has already been carried out.

  • Sample Collection: We can sample any suspected asbestos materials in a safe and accurate manneBuilding Material Analysis: Identify the presence of asbestos in various building materials.

    Air Monitoring: Measure airborne fibre concentration to assess potential exposure risks. We can also analyse filters from monitoring that has already been carried out.

    Sample Collection: We can sample any suspected asbestos materials in a safe and accurate manner.

If needed, we can also connect you with qualified professionals for comprehensive building surveys and the safe removal of asbestos materials. We adhere to the highest standards to ensure your safety and compliance with regulations.

Asbestos Sample Submission:

Submitting a sample to our lab is easy. Simply use our Asbestos Sample Submission form to get started.

Contact Us for More Information:

National Laboratory Manager Mike Young.

Fuel Analysis

Fuel Analysis services by Verum Group New Zealand

Our testing range includes energy content, moisture and ash content, ash behaviour, ultimate analysis, and a range of other tests.


Are you looking at using renewable fuels? We can run tests on a wide range of biofuels. Testing is conducted using either New Zealand or international standard methods, in-house methods, or by creating new methods as required. We have a wide range of equipment and experience to draw on, allowing us to test routine and diagnostic samples. We also have a transitional facility, so international biomass can typically be sent directly to the lab without treatment.

We are members of the Bioenergy Association (BANZ) and can analyse and classify fuels to the BANZ guidelines.

Liquid Fuels

We are equipped to test waste oils looking at sulphur content, flashpoint, and energy content.


Is your boiler running on coal? We can test your samples and offer you expert advice.

Humic Acid testing

We can also determine humic acids (total humic acids and free humic acid) in brown coals and lignites.

Contact Us for More Information:

National Laboratory Manager Mike Young:


Superintending services by Verum Group New Zealand

Verum Group offers an inspection service for seaborne coal cargo, wood pellet exports, and petroleum products. We can sample and analyse to verify the quality of the products being exported or imported.

Contact Verum Group for your superintending needs. We can do port-side pre-shipment inspections with sampling, testing, and analysis to verify the quality of the shipment.

Contact Us for More Information:

National Laboratory Manager Mike Young:

Gas Analysis

Gas Analysis services by Verum Group New Zealand

Verum Group can analyse samples for hydrocarbon gases such as methane, ethane, ethylene, and hydrogen as well as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen, and nitrogen. These gases can be of interest in packaging operations or understanding coal behaviour.

Contact Verum Group for your gas analysis needs. Verum Group can analyse samples for hydrocarbon gases such as methane, ethane, ethylene, and hydrogen, as well as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxygen, and nitrogen. These gases can be of interest in packaging operations or understanding coal behaviour.

We frequently test gases from a variety of sources for testing including gas distributors, landfills, biogas manufacturers, mines, and ambient air quality tests.

Typically, a sample volume of only 200ml is required to complete an analysis using our Agilent 3000A micro gas chromatograph.

Contact Us for More Information:

National Laboratory Manager Mike Young:

XRF by SpectraChem

XRF - X-Ray Fluorescence analysis services by Verum Group in New Zealand

Verum Group specialises in X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), with XRF analysis of a wide range of inorganic and organic materials such as rocks and soils, plant and animal tissue, metal alloys, industrial wastes, plastics, and polymers. Industries in which we service include mining and geological exploration companies, environmental consultants, the manufacturing industry, and other research organisations.

SpectraChem is fully IANZ accredited. IANZ accreditation means our results are trusted not only in New Zealand, but around the world. The lab is expertly capable in the analysis of major oxides, semiquantitative multi-elements, trace elements, and metal alloys.

Contact Verum Group for your XRF needs, with XRF analysis of a wide range of inorganic and organic materials such as rocks and soils, plant and animal tissue, metal alloys, industrial wastes, plastics, and polymers. These services are especially important to mining and geological exploration companies, environmental consultants, the aviation and manufacturing industries.

Available Tests:

XRF Major Oxide Analysis; XRF Semi-quantitative "Multi-Element" Analysis; XRF Trace Elements Analysis; XRF Metal Alloys Analysis; and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). We also have trusted subcontractors for any tests we can't do.

Contact Us for More Information:

Contact the SpectraChem (XRF) lab at Verum Group using the contact form or Email:

Biomass Analysis

Biomass Analysis services by Verum Group New Zealand

Verum Group runs tests on a wide range of biomass. Testing is conducted using New Zealand or international standard methods, in-house methods, or by creating new methods as required. We have a wide range of equipment and experience to draw on, allowing us to test routine and diagnostic samples.

Contact Verum Group for your biomass analysis needs. We have a wide range of equipment and experience to draw on, allowing us to test routine and diagnostic samples. 

We are members of the Bioenergy Association (BANZ) and can analyse and classify fuels to the BANZ guidelines.

Contact Us for More Information:

National Laboratory Manager Mike Young:

Spontaneous Combustion Propensity

It is essential for coal mines to produce detailed and reliable Principal Hazard Management Plans based on accurate measurements including the propensity of coal to self-heat under in-mine conditions and the associated gas evolution pattern of the heating. Verum Group can assist with a range of advanced laboratory tests that are leading practice in quantifying the spontaneous combustion propensity of coal and other materials. Tests include:

R70 testing - Provides a quick and accurate measure of the intrinsic reactivity of coal to oxygen and the values obtained are strongly coal rank dependent and are affected by the intrinsic properties of the coal. Also obtained is a value for the Relative Ignition Temperature which is used to confirm the intrinsic spontaneous combustion reactivity of the coal

Incubation testing - Is designed to simulate coal self-heating for any set of boundary conditions that may exist at a mine, port or in transit. It takes into consideration moisture present and the surrounding environment, the presence of reactive pyrite and issues associated with seasonal variation.

SponComGAS™ testing - The gas evolution pattern that occurs in response to coal self-heating can be used as a signature for the early detection of a self-heating event. We can determine the unique gas evolution trends for your situation which can support alarm limits set in the Trigger Action Response Plans.

SponComBULK™ testing - Monitors hot spot development in a coal pile in terms of location of the initial hot spot and subsequent migration within the pile.

All test results are analysed, interpreted, and reported by Chartered Professionals who are members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and all reports are certified by Registered Professional Engineers who are registered under the terms of the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Queensland) and have appropriate knowledge and experience.

Contact Us for More Information:

Laboratory Manager Mike Young:  